Saturday, February 28, 2015

GIRL-The Pillar of Family and the Future of Society

As Rahul Gandhi has gone for vacation so I recalled his interview and I decided to write about WOMEN EMPOWERMENT :D

Actually this is really a burning question now a days. We might be listening to news, reading newspaper and magazines and we would have gone through incidents and accidents with women in India. While any article on women empowerment in India will take a look at our rich heritage and enlightened societies of the past where women were treated equally in the society even in RIG VED women had equal status and all the religion respect women.

But there are several places across the country where harmful customs of ancient world still exist with modern appliance and thought. Although it is hardly any surprise to anyone who had lived in India because I remember one song "IT HAPPENS ONLY IN INDIA"

YES! It is true it happens only in India . Brutal gang rape in Delhi, Domestic violence, Acid attack, Rape, Harassment, Dowry and many more and what else you want? We are the fourth dangerous country for women in the world.

We have forgot all the moral and ethics values.

We often heard that this is because of the western culture and when THIS western people bags some 80% of Nobel prizes then we don't follow them. Our is only one motto that we just have to follow there bad things. We need to change our mind-set unless it becomes late.


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Humanity Is Dead.

I can not give money to poor but i can throw it in to the water (Ganga)
Now a days I am travelling to Meerut daily. On the way there is Ganga Bridge. What most of the people do there , they throw coins in to the Ganga. I know it is related to religious stuff but where it is written " Dear Bakhts throw money in to ganga"?
Moreover One can give 50 rs tips to a waiter but can not give 10 rs to a begger. One day I was going to Meerut. A man was sitting besides me while we were going. where ever he saw any temple he was folding his hands which is good but i bust in to laughter when i saw he was folding his hands when we just crossed a nala and he thought this was a sacred water and suddenly he looked at me and SMILED.
Hence it proves you do not need to apply your mind you just have to follow what has been taught.

And I recalled one thing "These are those people,who have never read there sacred books, though following things blindly"

Now coming back to the point. Its better to give money to a needy person instead of wasting it and when you do so you will feel very good, which you must have not felt before.

Keep up the good work instead of doing useless things.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Never Give Up

Keep the faith...that the best is yet to come. Keep the faith that the next extraordinary version of you is being crafted even now...that nothing can deter you from keeping your commitment to achieving your goals set for today...that you can better your best! Keep the faith. Move forward in spite of your fears and despite any evidence to the contrary. Believe that IT'S POSSIBLE!!

Think why am I here?

There are moments when you may wonder - Why am I here? Is it really worth it? Will the problems and challenges ever end? Superficial answers just won’t do. During those moments, you must turn within to find real answers, true meaning and your purpose for being.
The real answers of life are not found in your mind, but are revealed in your heart. Take the time to reflect on and deepen the reasons for your life.
You have something special. Whether you realize it or not, the world is a better place because you are here. Nurture the spiritual part of yourself to deepen your connection with life and find your center. You have the power within you to heal, strengthen and express more in your life