Wednesday, November 25, 2015

"3 Pieces of Advice vs 20 Years of Salary"

A bit long but worth reading

A very poor newly wedded, young couple lived in a small farm. One day the husband made the following proposal to his wife:
- Honey, I will leave the house: I will travel faraway, get a job and work hard in order to come back and give you the comfortable life that you deserve. I do not know how long I will stay away, I only ask one thing, please wait for me, and while I am away, you should be faithful to me, because I will be faithful to you.
So the young man left. He walked many days until he found a farmer who was in need of someone to help him. The young man offered his services. He was accepted. Therefore he discussed the terms with his boss:
- Let me work for as long as I want and when I think I should go home, please relieve me of my duties. I do not want to receive my salary. I ask you to save it for me, until the day I leave. The day I decide to go, please give me the money and I will go my way.
They agreed on that. So, the young man worked for twenty years without holiday and without rest. After twenty years, he came to his boss and said:
- Boss, I want my money, because I am returning to my home.
The boss replied:
- All right, after all, I made a deal with you and I will stick to it. However, before you go I want to offer you something new: I will give you all your money and send you away; or I will give you 3 pieces of advice and send you away. If I give you the money, I do not give you the 3 pieces of advice. And if I give you the 3 pieces of advice, I will not give you the money. Now, go to your room and think about your answer.
He thought for two days. Then he went to the boss and told him:
- I want the 3 pieces of advice.
The boss stressed again:
- If I give you the 3 pieces of advice, I will not give you the money.
And the man replied:
- I want the 3 pieces of advice.
The boss then told him:
- No. 1: Never take shortcuts in your life, shorter and unknown paths can cost your life.
- No. 2: Never be too curious, for curiosity towards evil can be deadly.
- No. 3: Never make decisions in moments of anger or pain, because when you repent, it could be too late.
After giving these 3 pieces of advice, the boss said to him:
- Here, you have 3 loaves of bread, 2 are for you to eat during the journey and the last is for you to eat with your wife when you get home.
So, the man went his way, after twenty years away from home and from his wife, whom he loved so much.
After the first day of travel, he found a man who greeted him and asked:
- Where are you going?
He replied:
- To a distant place which is about 20 days away if I continue walking.
The man said to him:
- Ol' boy, this path is too long! I know a shortcut that is very safe and you will arrive in 5 days only.
The man began to follow the path suggested until he remembered the first piece of advice. Then, he returned and followed the long path. Days later he learned that the shortcut led to an ambush.
After a few more days of travel, he found an inn by the roadside, where he could rest. He paid for a room and after taking a bath he lay down to sleep.
During the night he woke up as he heard a terrifying scream. He rose to his feet and went to the door to check what happened. As he was opening the door, he remembered the second piece of advice. Therefore he returned, lay down again and slept.
At dawn, after breakfast, the owner of the lodging asked him if he had not heard the scream at night. He affirmed that he heard. Then, the host said:
- Were you not curious to see what happened?
And he replied:
- No, I was not.
Then the host said:
- You are the first guest to leave this inn alive. My neighbour is completely crazy. He usually shouts at night to call someone’s attention. When some of the guests come out, he kills them and buries their bodies in the backyard.
The man continued his long journey, eager to arrive soon. After many days and nights walking, he was very tired, but he finally saw his house far away.
It was night. He saw some light coming out of the window of his house and was able to see the silhouette of his wife. But he also saw that she was not alone. He came closer and saw there was a man with her. She softly caressed his hair.
When he saw that scene, his heart was filled with hatred and bitterness. He decided to rush at and kill them both mercilessly. However, he took a deep breath and he remembered the third piece of advice.
Then he stopped, reflected and decided to sleep outside that night. He slept in the midst of the bushes, determined to make a decision the next day. At dawn, he was calmer and thought:
- I will not kill my wife and her lover. I am going back to my boss to ask him to take me back. But before I go, I want to tell my wife that I have always been faithful to her.
He went to the front door and knocked. When his wife opened the door and recognized him, she cried and embraced him warmly. He tried to push her away, but he was not able. Then, with tears in his eyes he told her:
- I was faithful to you but you betrayed me.
She was shocked, so she replied:
- How did I betray you? I have never betrayed you. I waited patiently for you for twenty good years.
Then he asked:
- How about the man that you were caressing yesterday?
And she said:
- That man is your son. When you left, I discovered I was pregnant. Today he is twenty years old.
Hearing that, the man asked her forgiveness. He met and hugged his son. Then he told them all the things he had experienced while away. Meanwhile, his wife prepared some coffee for them to eat together, the last bread given by his boss.
After a prayer of thanksgiving, he broke the bread. When he looked at it, he found all his money inside. In fact, there was even more than the right payment for his twenty years of dedication and hard work.
Friends, our God is like this boss. When he asks us to make a sacrifice, he wants to give us more than what we give Him. He wants us to have His unique wisdom as well as the material blessings.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Are we united ?

The relationship between Hindu and Muslim used to be very good before the Britishers turned up in India but the shining of this relation faded bit by bit and in present day the relationship is quite worst and if we find out the reason we will have to go to the past.

The seed was sown by the policy called Divide and Rule because together we were very strong and it was very hard to crack. Some anti religious things took place which created hatred between both.

We often blame Md Ali Jinna, Mahatma Gandhi and J.L Nehru for the partition of India, Yes it happened on religious ground but the matter of the fact was none of them was responsible and if i talk about Md Ali Jinna...he started his career as an ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity then what led to the situation which created Pakistan? In that time there were riots took place in Punjab and Bengal. Where Hindus as well as Muslims were killed and above all there was a strong discrimination between Hindus and Muslim. These things made Jinna to demand a new nation ie Pakistan.

Then Partition happened Millions of people left there home and killed.

Now the question is how can we look up our relation? or should we stop listen to those who provoke us? or should we stop listen our politicians who provoke us?

Well none of these things can be stopped because its a human nature when you are being provoked on the name of religion then anyone can be provoked.

Now the answer of these questions are:
- We should stand to reason
- We should say wrongdoer WRONG.. be it of any religion

I think this is the only way we can improve our relation because politicians are very less in numbers who can provoke us and more than 50% of India's population is less than 25 year of age and over 60% are below 35 year of age and it is the only youth who can bring changes.
If we start differentiating between right or wrong then we would be able to get back the shining of our relation which we had in past.

As far as i am concern some people think i am Modis Bhakt :D ..well my answer for this is nether i am Modis Bhakt nor BJP. I like a person who work for the development of my county and those who are wiling to take my county ahead Because I am an Indian.

Now the question is
Are we united?

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Why don't we become our own leader?

Leadership is a quality, which everyone have but they do not realize it. Each and everyone on this planet have this quality then why don't we show it when it is required?

It is something which is not written on your face whether you have it or not. you have to show question arises how to show it?

Before answering this I want to mention a story of Hanuman..when he had to cross the sea. So at that point of time someone motivated him (exactly i dont know his name) and told him to believe in yourself. He understood this and crossed the sea.

Now coming to the answer, we also have to believe in our-self. We have to ignite the leadership quality which is within us and has been slept for many years.

Lets take example of politics where there is one leader and everyone follow him..which is totally good. We need someone to follow the foot steps of good leaders to succeed in life but the question is- Should we continue to follow those leaders blindly? It is not important that he would be right every-time. At this point of time we need to ignite our leadership quality so that we could take right decision and avoid hatred in society . As we have seen in Parliament if there leader is saying something and that is not beneficial for people instead of this people keep on supporting him.

Now the question is- Should we have to become our own leader or to follow them blindly?

Saturday, February 28, 2015

GIRL-The Pillar of Family and the Future of Society

As Rahul Gandhi has gone for vacation so I recalled his interview and I decided to write about WOMEN EMPOWERMENT :D

Actually this is really a burning question now a days. We might be listening to news, reading newspaper and magazines and we would have gone through incidents and accidents with women in India. While any article on women empowerment in India will take a look at our rich heritage and enlightened societies of the past where women were treated equally in the society even in RIG VED women had equal status and all the religion respect women.

But there are several places across the country where harmful customs of ancient world still exist with modern appliance and thought. Although it is hardly any surprise to anyone who had lived in India because I remember one song "IT HAPPENS ONLY IN INDIA"

YES! It is true it happens only in India . Brutal gang rape in Delhi, Domestic violence, Acid attack, Rape, Harassment, Dowry and many more and what else you want? We are the fourth dangerous country for women in the world.

We have forgot all the moral and ethics values.

We often heard that this is because of the western culture and when THIS western people bags some 80% of Nobel prizes then we don't follow them. Our is only one motto that we just have to follow there bad things. We need to change our mind-set unless it becomes late.


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Humanity Is Dead.

I can not give money to poor but i can throw it in to the water (Ganga)
Now a days I am travelling to Meerut daily. On the way there is Ganga Bridge. What most of the people do there , they throw coins in to the Ganga. I know it is related to religious stuff but where it is written " Dear Bakhts throw money in to ganga"?
Moreover One can give 50 rs tips to a waiter but can not give 10 rs to a begger. One day I was going to Meerut. A man was sitting besides me while we were going. where ever he saw any temple he was folding his hands which is good but i bust in to laughter when i saw he was folding his hands when we just crossed a nala and he thought this was a sacred water and suddenly he looked at me and SMILED.
Hence it proves you do not need to apply your mind you just have to follow what has been taught.

And I recalled one thing "These are those people,who have never read there sacred books, though following things blindly"

Now coming back to the point. Its better to give money to a needy person instead of wasting it and when you do so you will feel very good, which you must have not felt before.

Keep up the good work instead of doing useless things.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Never Give Up

Keep the faith...that the best is yet to come. Keep the faith that the next extraordinary version of you is being crafted even now...that nothing can deter you from keeping your commitment to achieving your goals set for today...that you can better your best! Keep the faith. Move forward in spite of your fears and despite any evidence to the contrary. Believe that IT'S POSSIBLE!!

Think why am I here?

There are moments when you may wonder - Why am I here? Is it really worth it? Will the problems and challenges ever end? Superficial answers just won’t do. During those moments, you must turn within to find real answers, true meaning and your purpose for being.
The real answers of life are not found in your mind, but are revealed in your heart. Take the time to reflect on and deepen the reasons for your life.
You have something special. Whether you realize it or not, the world is a better place because you are here. Nurture the spiritual part of yourself to deepen your connection with life and find your center. You have the power within you to heal, strengthen and express more in your life